Monday, September 19, 2011
What's the right way to change fuel filter on '97 ford f-350 diesel pickup?
purchased new filter and have drained the water separator plug, but just wanting some tips on the fuel filter itself.What's the right way to change fuel filter on '97 ford f-350 diesel pickup?Unless the fuel filter is drastically different on all cars, it's a fairly simple procedure. It should be a matter of just taking off the clamps or zip ties in some instances. Then pull the hoses out of the filter, (watch for leaking gas), and replace new filter. When I did mine to my Ford Aeorostar, took a matter of seconds. Have you looked under there yet. It's pretty self-explanatory?What's the right way to change fuel filter on '97 ford f-350 diesel pickup?I can help a little, having done it on other diesels. My filter unscrewed like an oil filter does and I used an oil filter wrench to turn it counterclockwise. Then the new filter element is filled with fresh diesel fuel so that the engine will remain primed with fuel. There may be a bleeder screw on top of the filter adapter to the engine which you open to let the air out as you run the fuel pump.What's the right way to change fuel filter on '97 ford f-350 diesel pickup?Go buy the tool at the auto parts place that is made for taking the cover off, the cover unscrews counter clockwise and pulls straight up and just pull the filter from its housingstriaght up.. it puts back in the opposite way but theirs a o -ring you have to lay in the groove (depending upon where you bought it, the instructions usually come with the part)