Monday, September 19, 2011

My car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?

The battery is good, the starter is good. Just one day I was driving my car it was working fine then the next morning I go out to start it and it wouldn't start, and I don't have a clue why

98 ford escortMy car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?if it,s not getting fuel to the engine then that would be a very good place to start by changing the fuel filter. but that won,t help the spark any if your not getting spark.My car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?your gonna have to give more hints than that. could be wiring, the battery could have froze. along with other thingsMy car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?If you are experiencing cold weather conditions that could be a reason. If so, try using a product called Heat, you add it into your gas tank and it helps your car start in winter.

Is it making noise when you try and start it or nothing at all? My oldsmobile used to have that issue where it wouldn't start, it just wouldn't even try to turn over. I had to crawl underneath the car and jump the starter with a screwdriver for it to work.

Also, even if the battery is good, it could be that the nodes are corroded. You might want to see if there is some build up where your connectors are. Using a rough bristled brush can take that corrosion off.

When I had a bad fuel pump my car would just die sometimes and not start so I always had to keep at least half a tank full to create some pressure. Does your car die on you or just not start at all?My car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?If you spray a little starting fluid into the intake and it tries to start, then it might be the fuel filter.But it coild be a lot of other things too.Like the MAF sensor.My car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?It could also be that the timing belt broke. If this is the case you should not be trying to start it over and over, it will damage the car. Other than that the next items would be fuel filter, air filter or some electrical part for ignition. Does the engine turn over? or does it sound different like there isn't any resistance? That would be timing belt.My car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?The fuel pump has quit on you. Try tapping on the gas tank with a wooden stick and try starting it again, if it starts, then you need to replace the fuel pump.

good luck......My car won't start for some reason, should I change the fuel filter?Yeah if it's something with the fuel, I would say fuel pump over the filter. They rarely get clogged enough to completely block fuel. Like others said it could be a multitude of things. Check to make sure you are getting spark, if not you got electrical problems.