Under the hood there is a power distribution box. Look for a relay or fuse that says it is for the fuel pump. Remove this and start the car. Once the fuel pressure has gone down, the car will stall out. Turn the key off.
The fuel filter is located under the car either to the driver's side of the fuel tank or behind it. To remove it, you will need a 20mm wrench and a 5/8 wrench to loosen the lines. The opposite end of the filter may have a plastic line that will require you to squeeze a quick release connector to remove.
Be careful though, the metal line may be seized and can break. When it does come apart, make sure that the little o-ring gasket is still on the end of the line and not damaged.How do I change the fuel filter in a 1995 oldsmobile achieva?the fuel filter is above the rear axle behind the fuel tank , to relieve the fuel pressure there is a schrader valve on the fuel rail under the hood front of engine on top it will be covered with a black plastic cap it looks like a tire valve core be careful don't do it when car is hot (fire risk) push center of valve down fuel will spray out when you are all done run car and check for leaks good luck