Friday, June 3, 2011
How do I change my fuel filter on my 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipes.?
I am a 20 year old girl and I need to change the filter on my car because its cloged and I can't get it to start do to this. So if you for sure know how to change the filter please please please give me good detailed step by step directions for doing it. I would also like to know about how long this is going to take me. If you know it would be nice. So please give me the know how so that I can get my hands dirty and my car fixed and rinning again.Thanks to anyone who trys to heip me. Oh and Merry Christmas hope you all have a good one.How do I change my fuel filter on my 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipes.?Sweetie I admire the spark in you wanting to do it your self but thats not a good idea with the style filter your car has. See you have to have a filter removal tool and there difficult to use. you'll also have to go under the car. But if your still willing E-mail me and I'll Try to help the best I can. And Merry Christmas to you also.