Friday, June 3, 2011

How do i change the fuel filter on my ford f-150?

i was wondering if any one knows how to change the fuel filter on a ford f-150? people keep telling me i need a special tool what is this special tool? and is there any way to change it with out the tool? please help step by step in how to change my fuel filter THANKSHow do i change the fuel filter on my ford f-150?this does require an special tool and is available at most auto parts stores. usually on the back of the tool package it gives an idea on how to use it. make sure that you are safe when replacing the fuel filter. use jack stands and protective eye wear. good luckHow do i change the fuel filter on my ford f-150?Try this website. Good answers to your question. Pictures too, guys like pictures! do i change the fuel filter on my ford f-150?My advice is get a manual for your truck buy one or try the library and read up on it. As far as special tools some years require it some don't. without knowing the year cant say for sure.
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